If you want strong and healthy teeth and gums, then you need to have a top-notch oral hygiene team. This means you need to have all the tools necessary to have a safe and effective smile-cleaning routine. Our dentist, Dr. Jeffrey Morrison, is happy to help you have the top-notch oral hygiene team you need by recommending the best oral... read more »
An abscess is a collection of pus that forms above the gum line. It is usually the result of a chip, crack, or a cavity in one of your teeth, causing bacteria to reach the inner part of your tooth more easily, leading to infection. The infection can build up and ooze out, creating an abscess. Thankfully, our team can... read more »
Whether you are a professional or family member, aiding someone with a physical disability usually means the development of certain talents, such as foresight and peace of mind. These traits can be developed as you help your client with their oral hygiene. Mountain Crest Dental Care is pleased to give you some pointers. Brushing Teeth: Before you start, consider washing... read more »
Just as our team at Mountain Crest Dental Care has to be aware of and control the chance of oral infection, there are things you can do at home to decrease your chances of disease of the mouth, teeth and gums. Beyond the basics of brushing and flossing, here are some tips to consider: Wash Your Hands: Your mom and... read more »
Have you ever seen an individual with a lip or tongue ring and felt it was something you had to have? Although they can be viewed as stylish and fashionable, they do come with oral health risks. Mouth jewelry can lead to numerous oral health ailments including dental damage and gum tissue injury. Most lip and tongue rings are designed... read more »
A tooth can sometimes be chipped by grinding your teeth when sleeping, crunching on ice, or using your teeth as tools. When this happens the damaged tooth enamel can pose several different threats to the long term health and integrity of the tooth. The location and size of the chip, as well as the size of the tooth will affect... read more »
Are you prepared for an advanced tooth restoration such as dental crowns or dental veneers? Deciding which treatment is best for you doesn’t have to be problematic. If your tooth enamel has been damaged or if the tooth split or fractured, a dental crown is often the better choice as it can help protect the tooth much better than a... read more »
In most instances, damage to a tooth is easy to detect. However, unlike a broken or lost tooth; or a cavity, a cracked tooth may not be as easy to detect. A cracked tooth is not always visible. In fact, a crack in your tooth may be so small that it does not show up in a routine dental exam,... read more »
Are you familiar with CEREC and its effect on your smile? Does your smile require a tooth restoration? With CEREC® dental crowns, you can fully restore teeth above the gum line by covering and concealing damaged teeth. One of the key features of CEREC dental crowns is that they can be designed and installed in a single day. Thanks to... read more »
Minor cosmetic imperfections on the teeth can leaving you feeling socially awkward. This can be especially troublesome if you’ve been dealing with chronic dental stains. In a situation like this, a consultation with Dr. Jeffrey Morrison at his dental office in Orem, Utah, can help you understand your cosmetic dentistry options. Dr. Jeffrey Morrison can then assess the health of... read more »