What Are the Benefits of Creating a Dental Crown With CEREC?

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CEREC® is one of the more recent dental technology tools that are gaining popularity in dentistry. It uses state-of-the-art dental materials to design and create several types of dental restorations in a single visit. We invite you to consider CEREC technology for a new dental crown to repair your damaged or weakened tooth.

This high-tech computer system uses digital images taken by our team of your teeth to quickly design and produce a permanent dental crown that fits the proper size, shape, and color of your smile. Thanks to the quality materials used, your CEREC dental crowns can be stronger than traditional dental crowns.

When you visit a CEREC dentist, such as Dr. Jeffrey Morrison, you can receive your final dental crown during your very first appointment. Alternatively, traditional dental crowns require a much longer time frame–days to weeks–to allow for the creation of a tooth impression and completion of the crown by a dental lab, which will then send the crown to the dental office. CEREC offers advanced efficiency so that, in a single visit, you can complete the initial oral exam and receive the final dental crown.

To learn more about the benefits of CEREC dental technology in Orem, Utah, contact Mountain Crest Dental Care at 801-225-2640 and schedule a time to speak with Dr. Jeffrey Morrison. We look forward to providing you with reliable same-day restorative dentistry!